Sunday 13 January 2013

Tukore School

We spent a wonderful afternoon at this school where Doreen's mum, Agaba Eva, lives and works.  It is a special needs school and Eva mainly teaches deaf children.

A feast was made for us! Matooke, rice, posho, cabbage, avocado, potatoes, beans, beef, chicken, rabbit. I am stuffed!!  Narya munonga (I ate a lot).

I almost forgot how lovely the landscape is on the way to our former home. Matooke plantations and big hills.  Tukore is near the college which is how we met Doreen's mum and chose Doreen as the one we would help sponsor.

I am feeling a bit uncomfortable with all the attention we get everywhere.  I felt that the first few months we lived here, but got used to it.

Children of staff at Tukore danced for us.

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